"She's Just a Girl...
and she's on fire..." My second biological was born ten years ago today. She is more than I could have ever asked for and being her mom is an honor. Today's blog is dedicated to my baby girl. My Dearest CRR, Wow, God sure knew what he was doing when He sent you to me. I haven't figured out what He was doing, but I'm glad He knows. :) On this day, ten years ago, Dr. Van set you on my chest and I knew at that very moment that you were going to be a dynamo. You were already mad as hell and you let the entire delivery room know it. The tiny little curls shaped like the letter C all over your small precious noggin left me wondering how on earth I was going to tame what would soon be a wild mane or like your brother once described it, a bird's nest. So today baby girl, on the day of your double-digit, decade birthday, I want you to know a few things: pray in good times and in bad times talk to me about things even if you think it will upse...