What's in a Name?

When I was a very little girl, I apparently had trouble saying my name and so what came out was "Nini."  As a result, I can walk in to a place and hear someone shout, "Nini!"  Now don't get excited and think, "Oh, I'm going to call her that when I see her."  Let me just say this, "Don't!"  That special name is reserved for extremely close friends and family.  So if that's got you thinking, "Damn.  Fine.  I'll just call you Bitch because that's how you're acting" go right ahead.  "Nini" is special in that it was used and still is used by a group of people that have known me since time began, well at least since my time on this earth began.  

So that got me thinking about the special names I have given people over the years and the significance to the relationships that go with it.  You see some names are given out of pure spite, others out of fun and still others from pure affection.  For example, Torpedo, is not a nice nickname, but Mijo is.  IcyHot and Naranja are for fun.  Chito, Nanita and Madibug are definitely terms of endearment.  

Not everyone gets a nickname and not everyone gets just one, if you're lucky, you get more than one. Now those people are super special...For instance JT, Doof, Dorko, and Johnson all belong to one heavenly soul in my life.  

If you are reading this blog, chances are, I've given you a nickname.  Wonder if you have more than one?  Just ask...


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