Dark place...

There is no denying that the last few years have been rocky, rough and at times, sucked hairy, saggy balls.  

Throughout this time, I've known that there is a light at the end of the tunnel although I didn't always see it, I hoped and prayed I would.  Sometimes I would get a glimmer of it and other times it was pitch black...I was in a very dark, toxic place.  I almost let it consume me and poison my spirit.  

But each day I would wake up and fight the urge to throw in the towel, to say, "fuck it" or even to take a giant step back and revert to the familiar because the unknown is scary af (like my kids say).

This dreary, wet Seattle-like winter didn't help...I need sunny days like a Tweaker needs a fix.  

Recently, I spotted a faint glow.  That light I have been in search of is in my sight.  It's not fading in and out like before, it's illuminating my path.  It has helped me to see things I couldn't see before and to discover a part of my world I never knew existed.  

The ridiculous part of me wants to say that it's the sun from the Golden State or the gold flakes in the sand on Coronado...My eyes are open now, I see the "light at the end of the tunnel" so to speak.  It's glow gets stronger everyday.  I feel it's warmth.  It's my time to "live the life I've imagined."


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