So it's no surprise to anyone who knows me that I love, love, love California. The weather, the beaches, the mountains, the sailors, oops I mean the sunsets, are just a few of the attractions that bring me back every summer and sometimes spring, and well, if I'm being honest, the fall too.
In addition to the places to see and the fun to be had, I also have a great group of people I come to share my time with, my Cali family. They are, without a doubt, the reason I'm able to spend so much time here. They make me feel at home and since I've outgrown the title of guest, I do laundry, cook, clean and give occasional rides to work. Like my cousin says, "That's in exchange for the suite you stay in upstairs." (His room is no where near a suite but I'm not complaining. Love you Cuzn!) And although I do all the things I would be doing at home, the love and support I receive from this crazy Cali family is what makes my stay so enjoyable...they spoil me and my little biologicals.
With that being said, it's also not a big secret that I would love to live here. Hell, the weather alone is a selling point. So back in January I started the process of becoming certified to teach in the Golden State. The process has taken longer than I anticipated but if I've learned anything in my time here on earth it's that things will happen when they are meant to happen, on God's time and if that plan doesn't work it's because He has something much greater planned. I trust that now more than ever.
For some, the idea of uprooting the kids and taking them half way across the country seems a little extreme. To that I say, what we've been through the last five years has been extreme too. Only my tight little circle, my soul family, has had a glimpse into the turmoil we've lived with, and that's the way it will remain. There is no need to explain or justify why a fresh start would be nice and what better place to start off fresh then sunny California.
To others, this "sudden" desire to move must have something to do with a man. After all, why would a single mother of two want to take such a huge risk? Well here's the truth, it is about a man, and that man is my nephew Jonathan. You see, he died tragically, suddenly, without warning and his death was the worst thing to happen to me, so far. I haven't experienced a greater loss, sadness or despair. It broke me...shattered me into tiny little shards. His death made me realize I should live life to the fullest, without regret, without fear.
So for the last two years, I've tried gathering all the broken pieces. Imagine, if you will, a mosaic, fragments of something that was once whole, put together to create a finished piece. The final product isn't quite done, there are pieces that have been hard to place and some that have gone missing. My hope is that when it all comes together, it will be seen with admiration and not judgement.
“Always do what you are afraid to do.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
In addition to the places to see and the fun to be had, I also have a great group of people I come to share my time with, my Cali family. They are, without a doubt, the reason I'm able to spend so much time here. They make me feel at home and since I've outgrown the title of guest, I do laundry, cook, clean and give occasional rides to work. Like my cousin says, "That's in exchange for the suite you stay in upstairs." (His room is no where near a suite but I'm not complaining. Love you Cuzn!) And although I do all the things I would be doing at home, the love and support I receive from this crazy Cali family is what makes my stay so enjoyable...they spoil me and my little biologicals.
With that being said, it's also not a big secret that I would love to live here. Hell, the weather alone is a selling point. So back in January I started the process of becoming certified to teach in the Golden State. The process has taken longer than I anticipated but if I've learned anything in my time here on earth it's that things will happen when they are meant to happen, on God's time and if that plan doesn't work it's because He has something much greater planned. I trust that now more than ever.
For some, the idea of uprooting the kids and taking them half way across the country seems a little extreme. To that I say, what we've been through the last five years has been extreme too. Only my tight little circle, my soul family, has had a glimpse into the turmoil we've lived with, and that's the way it will remain. There is no need to explain or justify why a fresh start would be nice and what better place to start off fresh then sunny California.
To others, this "sudden" desire to move must have something to do with a man. After all, why would a single mother of two want to take such a huge risk? Well here's the truth, it is about a man, and that man is my nephew Jonathan. You see, he died tragically, suddenly, without warning and his death was the worst thing to happen to me, so far. I haven't experienced a greater loss, sadness or despair. It broke me...shattered me into tiny little shards. His death made me realize I should live life to the fullest, without regret, without fear.
So for the last two years, I've tried gathering all the broken pieces. Imagine, if you will, a mosaic, fragments of something that was once whole, put together to create a finished piece. The final product isn't quite done, there are pieces that have been hard to place and some that have gone missing. My hope is that when it all comes together, it will be seen with admiration and not judgement.
“Always do what you are afraid to do.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
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