Blast from the Past

It's probably safe to say that we've all had that moment, an old song playing on the radio, a whiff of a fragrance, a brief run-in with someone you haven't seen in years...that moment that will send you to another time and place.  I find that at my age, I'm having more and more of those moments.  

Recently, I had a conversation with someone from my past and I mean waaaay back to my really green, square, naive, super innocent teen days.  (I was not always the coldhearted, tell-it-like-it-is, beer drinking, foul mouth, chew 'em up and spit 'em out, devil woman that I am today.)  There was a time when I really was quite unaware of the potential I possessed.  

And though I'd like to keep that discussion private, something keeps wanting to make it's way out and that is the gratitude I feel for having made this connection.  This blast from my past brought back so many fond memories.  Our chat caused me to think about how far I've come and how far I still have to go.  It made me think about what I've had, what I've wanted and what I thought I needed.  I shared a quote with my friend that rings so true for my life.  "She needed a hero so that's what she became."  

I am a firm believer that each and every little thing that happens in my life happens for a reason.  Our paths crossed again for a reason and I'm so absolutely thankful for the opportunity to reflect on my life.  So thanks, He Who Will Remain Anonymous, for stirring up some stuff that needed to make it's way up for my eyes to see.  The next dark beer is on me...


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