
Showing posts from 2016

A Final Farewell to The Couch Chronicles

A little over three years ago I embarked on creating an outlet, a place to let it all out, to rant, vent and release the storm stirring inside of me.  I was, to put it lightly, a Hot Ass Mess or as my good pal Charlene used to say, a HAM.   The Couch Chronicles became the one thing I had absolute control over.  It was mine, to do with as I pleased.  Many times it came under fire from people not willing to see passed their own nose, the chismosos who wanted to dissect it and read between the lines.  The blog was made public for a reason, I have nothing to hide.  There is no hidden agenda.  What you see is what you get.  Like it, don't like it.  If you want to know something, ask.  If I want to share something, I will.  If I want it kept private, I won't.   I've decided that 2016, although quite the ratchet year for ShowBiz, has not been my worst.  In fact, it's become one of the best in recent years.  So it's ...


A wise man (Eddie) once told me that we see what we want to see...I'd even take it a step further and say that we hear what we want to hear.  And with today's flood of posts and tweets it's easy to see how we've become obsessed with putting on a display.  After all, a glimpse into someone's reality might not go over as well.  For example, I like to post happy pictures of me and the biologicals.  I like to tweet articles on ways to be a great teacher.  I use my Instagram for silly memes and pictures of my favorite beverages; the images and thoughts of happy times because ultimately that's what I'm trying to send out into the world...positive, uplifting vibes.   But my reality can be a much darker place.  It can be filled with sorrow and angst, with a storm of thoughts swirling violently and the only way to silence the noise is to disconnect, to unplug, to tune out the world around me.  The challenge, of course, is delaying the storm o...

Bamf v. Pamf

I have used the hashtag #pamf many times on social media and my network of friends, my inner circle, the people I secretly refer to as the Cynsters, they all know that #pamf is short for Pansy Ass Mutha Fucka!  Now, before you go trying to figure out who this refers to, let me stop you right there by stating it can refer to one or many individuals I have known or have yet to meet.  It's my hashtag and I will do with it as I please... So it's no secret I have had my fair share of #pamf experiences but recently, I stumbled upon something new...a rare finding, the #bamf or Bad Ass Mutha Fucka.  The Bamf is the complete opposite of the Pamf.  Hero v. Villain if you will.  Where as the pamf would work my last good nerve, the bamf tickles my funny bone.  Pamfs are condescending and inconsiderate, Bamfs are respectful and go the extra mile.   Allow me to illustrate the difference in an easy to read table.  (Tables and charts are some of my favorite t...