Life is an Echo

Life has a funny way of bringing things back into your life until you have learned whatever it is you need to learn.  This I have found out, the hard way.  Too many times I have asked, "Why does this shit keep happening?"  Well my friends, it happens so you can wake up!  Snap out of it!  Get a grip!  

Lately I've become painfully aware of some things I like to refer to as character flaws.  The first step is recognizing that they exist and for someone like me, a self-proclaimed badass, admitting that there might be some work to do is not easy.  I think I'm pretty great.  I think others would agree and if they don't agree they're probably too scared to admit it. 

So what I know about the universe is that what you send out you get right back.  It is a daily struggle to send out happy, positive vibes because we all know I get fired up from time to time.  The fiery Texas girl wants to put people in check...imagine Yosemite Sam, guns a blazing...but what you send comes back.  It really does.

I read that what you see in others, exists in you and boy do I believe that to be true.  I once said, "Crazy knows crazy." And I pride myself on being able to spot a snake in the grass, a toxic person, someone living in dysfunction.  Why?  Because those things have existed in me, as coping and defense mechanisms but instead of allowing toxicity to consume me, I broke free of it. Now I can recognize it clear as day and I choose not to participate.  

I want to radiate love, peace and joy.  I want those things to come back to me...


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