Still a Fu** Boy

I am not going to define, explain or describe this type of person.  If you read the title and immediately conjured an image, then you know.  Chances are, you know more than one.  I've known a few and I'm going to keep it 100, sometimes I was ok playing along.  I've learned women can play that role too.  It's all about self appreciation and worth.

If you are a young single girl and you're still trying to figure things out, not sure whether you even want to be in a committed relationship, then I say go out and have fun.  Explore. Experiment.  Educate yourself and find what is pleasing to you.  Two can play this game so develop some guidelines and go for it.

When that day comes and you find the one, be smart.  Use your experience with that Fu** Boy to know if you have someone willing to be your person, your 80/20 on somedays, your 50/50 on other days.  But if you suspect otherwise, don't settle.  You might recognize the signs, you might be in denial, you might think you are the one that is going to change him.  He will settle down, if you wait long enough.  Why wouldn't he?  You're great.  People might tell you to be patient.  He needs time.  No girl, run.  Look in the mirror, see your worth and go love yourself enough.

And to all my single mamas, if you are shacked up, assuming a wife role, pulling your weight, but homie hasn't stepped up for your kids, knowing damn well you came into the relationship with them, then he's still a Fu** Boy.


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