Own Your Sh*t, Cynthia
So my dad calls me a firecracker. He has also been known to say things like, "You know how she is." and "She moves all way to California and she's still fighting with people." That was actually one of my favorites. I like to think of it more like, "She calls it like she sees it." It's been said that if you want the truth, ask Cynthia. Here's the thing...I have spent the last decade trying to own my shit. So when I'm around someone who doesn't, it annoys me. It frustrates me. It also makes me a little sad. Deep down in the sensitive part of my gut (those of you that endured the time I suffered from gastritis, pronounced in Spanish, of course, will remember I have a very sensitive gut) I feel bad for people living in denial. Looking through the lens of awareness is both a blessing and a curse. I love that it allows me to be reflective. You see, I stumble, we all do, and when I do, I stop and I ask ...