Things That Bother Me...

Ever have one of those days where everything seems to be going wrong?  Well I've had a decade like that and so today I thought I would just let it all out....blast everything and everyone out of the damn water, call people out, bitch, cry and moan about what annoys the hell out of me...Are you ready?! 

Well I'm not...I refuse to stay down for the count.  I will not let life's little pitfalls get the best of me...what is that catchy little phrase..."Don't sweat the small stuff...and it's all small stuff."  I would rather say, "...And this too shall pass" because it all is in constant motion.

So here are a few things that do not annoy the hell out of me...
  • my dad's laughter
  • Lil Diva cuddling up with me at night
  • My Boy making really funny, sarcastic comments
  • Chispita saying "mommy, mommy, mommy"
  • Madibug and Brother asking if they can play with my phone
  • mom telling me that her 74 year old neighbor has a crush on me (Yes!  I still got it, man!)
  • my Bestie's sanity checks or lack there of...
  • San Diego....ahhh San Diego
  • my new place in TH
  • SAPD and SAFD and recently SDFD on the pier at Pacific Beach
  • tattoos, not all, but most
  • my friends...especially the ones who have stayed around all these years
The list goes on and each day I'm thankful for so much more.  Despite a few setbacks, my life has been blessed and I know it will continue to be. 

"For I know the plans I have for you.  Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11


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