Bye Bye Baby

Dear Summer Vacation,
     Well let me just start by saying, "Thanks."  Thanks for allowing me the time to learn so much about myself.  I knew a transformation in my life was coming but I had no idea I was going to get a jump start over the summer.  You know I believe that everything happens for a reason and I'm sure you know, my dear summer vacation, that I really cannot afford to have a breakdown during the school year.  So thank you for making sure most of my meltdown occurred during this restful and relaxing time of the year.  Funny, when I reflect on my life, most life changing events have happened during my summer vacation.
So here's a thought...Maybe I should work through my summer vacation...Nah!!!

     Let me get back to bidding you adieu.   I'll miss you, without a doubt, I will miss you.  This must be what retirement feels like.  I'll have to ask ol' Henry.  What will I miss the most, you ask?  There is not one particular thing, so allow me to paint a pretty picture for you.  I will miss staying up late and chatting about nonsense with people that can't be named.  I will have a hard time adjusting to waking up before all of humankind, so I will miss the awesome feeling one has when awakened naturally by the chirping of happy feathered friends.  
     Not having the luxury of a small chest, I've never had the pleasure of "not wearing a bra" when I leave the house so bye-bye bra-free days.  Ahhh, my morning cup of hot coffee, you will be missed.  We will no longer have the time to pour another cup and gaze out the kitchen window.  Now you will be forced to ride to work and quite possibly be left in the vehicle to cool down and wait for me to realize I have forgotten you there.  
     Movie marathons, you will see me again at the first cold front, along with my 'fat clothes' and blankie.  Summer projects you are the lucky ones.  We will see each other every other weekend when I need to occupy my mind.  My beautiful, green, healthy plants, you may be the most neglected now that summer vacation is over.  I will do my best to keep you watered and nourished but chances are I will only notice that you wilted and then gently say, "Oh well, survival of the fittest around here man!"  If you are lucky to survive, the next challenge will be the first freeze.  I may or may not bring you in for warmth and shelter, so good luck. 
     My guilty pleasure, Tall Caramel Frappe, I must give you up!  You have been the source of great comfort this summer but sadly, you are very fattening, highly addicting and quite honestly, out of my price range.  When I do the math, 12 Shiners outnumber 3 frappes.  You are at an advantage when it comes to drinking and driving though.  I will see you again next summer.  
     Bye-bye Terrell Hills Police Department.  Patrolman Todd, I do not have any plans to drive around at 3:00 a.m. and make incomplete stops in our peaceful neighborhood.  You may now concentrate on all the other criminal activity going on here.  Feel free to swing by for a cup of coffee because although I have said goodbye to being pulled over, I have no plans of saying goodbye to the Men in Blue.  
     I'm sure as the school year gets rolling, I will miss many other things about you Summer Vacation.  So I will not say goodbye, I'll just say, "See ya next year sucker!"


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