But did you die?!

There is absolutely no reason why that phrase should make me laugh so much, but it does...In the right context and in certain situations, it just makes so much more sense then the over used quote, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."  

It's no secret, life has been a little rough for me and the biologicals.  We've been through some ups and downs and in-betweens.  We have known sadness, sorrow and tragedy.  

The boy and I just had a long talk about this the other day and as we reflected on the last three years, his conclusion was so profound, it was a such a mature thought.  He said, "I would not be the person I am today if we had not gone through such a difficult time."  Wow, who is this kid?  How did he become such a bad-ass?  Even the little one, my girl on fire, the feisty Mini-me, has grown into a decision maker, the ruler of her own space and completely capable of holding her own. (God bless the poor soul who falls in love with her.  He gonna cry!)

But in a nutshell, we didn't die. We are still here and kickin it!  We get up, go to work and school, run around to practice and games just to do it all over again the next day.  Yeah there is a lot of yelling, crying, pouting and foot stomping  and sometimes the biologicals get upset too.  Hehehee.

Although there have been some very sad moments, there have been moments of joy, happiness, love and we have many blessings to be thankful for.  

So for those of you out there reading this blog, feeling sorry for yourself, having a pity party of one, or having a bad day...just ask yourself...

for el mc


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