Sweet Baby Jesus

Well, it almost happened.  I almost let the devil himself get the best of me today!  It took one little thing, one tiny insignificant thing to trigger that primal urge to defend my truth.  I was about to take to my laptop and let it rip!  Put people on blast.  Shed light on all the "liars and the dirty dirty cheats of the world." 

I had to remind myself that love wins.  

Yes, love does win, especially when that love is self love.  It hasn't been easy to come by.  I am definitely my harshest critic.  Self loathing comes easily, especially when society's "norms" can make you question what you know to be your truth.  There are so many double standards.

I know a Tell All post would be very exciting and if I were a big time blogger with a huge following with plenty of ads and sponsors, I might go that route and bring in the big bucks.  But since I'm a baby blogger with a few dedicated followers and a few creepy stalkers that like to read my posts for hidden meanings or private information, I'm going the non-scandalous, boring route.  So for those of you wanting some dirt, you can stop reading. And by the way, this is a public blog, what I post on this platform is information for everyone. I'm ok with people knowing about it.  If I want something kept secret, guess what?  I don't blog about it on a public domain.  

So here goes my truth.  I have two children, both from the same man, shocking, I know!  I was married to their dad.  It didn't work out.  I could add really juicy details, perfect for gossip, but I'm not, cause..

Occasionally I go out, with friends, some of them are men.  Say what?!  Crazy right?  I have good days and bad days, really bad days.  I just choose not to make a big deal out of it. I would rather be happy, positive and stay lifted.  I have great friends, really great friends!  I love my career and look forward to the new opportunities it will bring.  But most importantly, I've moved on, let go and am excited about living the good life because that's what my children need to see and that is what we deserve.  


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