
Showing posts from April, 2019

Recognize Yourself

I don't know where I heard this, but it was something I was watching or listening to last week and it caused me to pause and write those two words down.  I scribbled it on a sticky note and stared at it, then gently placed it on the computer where I would see it, daily.  Why did this resonate with me?  Why was it sitting deep inside, where all of my stormy thoughts go? Then it hit me. I saw myself the other day, but it wasn't me, it was someone in my not so immediate circle, but someone I consider dear, someone I haven't let in because I must have subconsciously known I had to distance myself.  You see, what I saw in this person was the me I used to be.  The girl in a bad relationship, the girl who drank to numb the pain, the girl who over extended herself so no one would see the dysfunction she was in.  I saw the delusion, the sadness, the fog that surrounded her.  I recognized myself and all I could do was confide in a good friend, someone who migh...

Single Mom of Two

So it's taken some time to truly embrace this title, but the reality is this, I am a single mother of two. I have been since June 2013 and probably way before that, if we look at who managed the household.  It's taken some soul searching to grasp the magnitude of my responsibilities and also it's taken it's tole.  I check off the divorced box or the single box in all of my applications, questionnaires, surveys.  I am entirely responsible for the welfare of these two.  I am financially responsible for my future and everything that comes with that. What I am reminded of, daily, is that the second half of that title includes two of the best (and sometimes worst) things to ever have happened in my life.  Funny, most days I can't remember where I left my keys, or my phone, or fill in the blank with anything important but I can tell you, with very specific detail, the events that took place the day my children were born.  I can describe those days with all fi...