Recognize Yourself
I don't know where I heard this, but it was something I was watching or listening to last week and it caused me to pause and write those two words down. I scribbled it on a sticky note and stared at it, then gently placed it on the computer where I would see it, daily. Why did this resonate with me? Why was it sitting deep inside, where all of my stormy thoughts go? Then it hit me. I saw myself the other day, but it wasn't me, it was someone in my not so immediate circle, but someone I consider dear, someone I haven't let in because I must have subconsciously known I had to distance myself. You see, what I saw in this person was the me I used to be. The girl in a bad relationship, the girl who drank to numb the pain, the girl who over extended herself so no one would see the dysfunction she was in. I saw the delusion, the sadness, the fog that surrounded her. I recognized myself and all I could do was confide in a good friend, someone who migh...