Paths to Recovery-Step Six

I have mentioned the need to go back to certain steps when you recognize that you need to check yourself.  Well, I literally heard a voice in my head that said, "You better check yourself!"  It wasn't a weird, "I'm hearing voices and they want me to hurt someone."  It happened as I reread a text message, pondered the situation, and realized what my father has been known to tell people about me is right..."She has a lot of pride."  Uh...hellooo Father...where the hell did that come from?  Did I not hear, "People don't take pride in their work, people don't take pride in their house or their neighborhood, you need to have pride in what you do" and blah, blah, blah.  Damn right I have a lot of pride.  You said I should! 

But really, I don't blame my father for being prideful.  I thank him for instilling that value in all three of his girls.  Unfortunately, I don't think he realized how serious we would all take it.  Now, I can't speak for anyone else but I would imagine that if/when my sisters read this blog, they will undoubtedly be able to relate to having "a lot of pride."

So back to the text...It was two small words.  What was the big deal?  Why was I wasting energy on it?  I went into full blown analysis mode.  And that's when it hit me!  I needed to check myself!  It had nothing to do with the text or the "texter."  Well...that's still up for debate but the bottom line is, I have too much pride!  Pinche Henry was right!  I have too much pride.  I read about it in Mrs. Lee's English IV class.  It's one of the Seven Deadly Sins! 

Step Six-Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character
I thought I would like this step.  I get all my defects of character removed, right?  Then I come out of it a newer, updated version of myself.  WRONG!  I missed two little words (What's up with two words?  Two words!  Ugh!)  Entirely I entirely ready?  This means I don't actually have my defects of character removed by my Higher Power in Step Six.  I just need to be ready to Let Go and Let God.  Yeah, I have a tiny problem with...remember the control freak issue I'm working on?  I must now go back and look at my liabilities in Step Four and add a few more things to each list.  I've discovered a few more liabilities after revisiting the Seven Deadly Sins list but I have also found a few more assets.  I will look to see how many of my liabilities are survival skills that no longer serve me and go from there.  As always, I ask for your prayers as I peel back another layer in search of my core. 

Dear God,
I found another one!  This one is bad, so bad and hard-wired that I didn't even list it in Step Four.  It should have been in BIG BOLD LETTERS:  PRIDE.  Please help.

Your Faithful Follower aka Girl on Fire (shout out to Dad)

Philippians 1:6 
And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.


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