Did Ya Miss Me?

I took a little sabbatical to have an untimely, so-not-like-me semi nervous breakdown...actually I think I live in breakdown mode, a lifestyle I do not recommend.  That lifestyle leads you to believe that you can jump tall buildings and all that other superhero crap.

Today is my 1st biological 's birthday.  My boy, the crazy-eyes, sweet tooth, bookworm kid I gave birth to 11 years ago.  Today's blog is dedicated to him.

Dear THR,
This has been quite a year baby.  We moved back to the city, you changed schools, I worked all summer, we lost someone very close to us and I made some changes to your life that may not seem right to you but they will when you get older.  After all, a man is what his mom makes of him.  So the bulk of this birthday letter will be about all the things I hope you will be, today, tomorrow and always.
  • Pray...in good times and in bad times
  • Be thankful and count your blessings
  • Remember that love wins, without fail, love wins
  • If you need advice on women, fashion or food...ask your sister
  • Spend wisely but splurge from time to time
  • Save, save, save....you won't regret it
  • Always respect yourself and learn to be happy with your own company...you won't be able to love someone else if you don't love little old you
  • Everything is fixable-it may not always be the outcome that you'd like but there is always a solution for life's problems
  • Your parents will love you unconditionally but will set limits...don't be thinking you can live at home rent free with your hoochie wife and 5 kids...I will hurt you!
  • Visit your grandparents and give them their hearts desire even if it takes time from your own family...you won't have your grandparents forever and being there for them will be a fond memory when they're gone
  • Think before you act and speak to people with kind words, that nonsense about sticks and stones is for the birds...words can hurt, wound and destroy.  Once they are spoken they can't be taken back.
  • Never let someone steal your thunder and by that I mean you should not have to stop being the person you are to be with that person.
  • Continue to read for enjoyment and continue learning
  • Pray...I know I already said this but that's how important it is
Love you to the moon and back, 


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