True or False

For the past few weeks I've seen an advertisement for a game show with two hosts. One is telling the truth, the other, a false statement. Recently in a faculty meeting, a grade level introduced each team member with a similar activity. Ideally we want honesty and truth to have significant value in our relationships and yet people discover much too often that there is more to someone than meets the eye.

For example I bet you didn't know that...
  • I'm an only child
  • When I was 18 months old I almost choked to death
  • I have triplets in my family
  • My parents divorced when I was 12
  • I didn't live with my mom or dad during high school
  • I can use a sewing machine
  • Vodka and cranberry will make me happy
  • My first experience with driving was with a stick shift
  • My junior year of high school, I was the only girl who could play the Virgin Mary...for real
  • I had my first adult drink at 14 years of age
  • I, along with a few other fools, stole a stop sign
  • My first tattoo was at age 40 and is in Spanish
  • I drove to California alone
  • It took me six years to finish college
  • My dad is from Spain, my mom is from Alaska
  • Sometimes when I'm upset, I go out for long drives
  • On those long drives I often take a detour to places I shouldn't
  • During fiesta I have had some memorable moments
  • One of those memorable moments was a drive over Joe Webb bridge sitting on the console of a two passenger car...there were four people in the car that night
  • Another fiesta first took place in the parking lot of a police station...
  • I make strange (somewhat erotic) sounds when I sleep
  • Men with tattoos have an advantage...
  • Thongs are not an item in my wardrobe 
  • Marriage is the best thing that has happened to me
  • My children are average students and struggle in school
  • I have sat on the 22 story balcony of a downtown hotel in my shirt and undies
  • I have used the potty on the side of the road
  • Once, I fell asleep while driving
  • My dad would take me hunting and make me look for the dove he shot
  • I have been skinny dipping
  • Make a grown man cry? I've made one fall off the bed
  • I have slapped the glasses and earrings off a relative
  • Sometimes I forget where I'm driving to
  • I have climbed out of more than one bedroom window
  • A male stripper came up from behind me and did unspeakable things to my lady parts
  • My cleavage has been admired and kissed by a woman
  • I've been called a sexy librarian
  • I'm a terrible cook
  • I love, love, love socks and tights
  • I'm best known for my lips
  • I completed a 26.2 mile marathon in Anchorage, Alaska
  • In high school friends called me Cindy-Rod
  • Alex Rodriguez is my bad-boy crush
  • I have dated someone younger than me
  • Fishing is my favorite hobby
  • I have a thing for men in law enforcement 
  • Listerine strips can cause bodily harm when not used appropriately ;)
So what's true? Wouldn't you like to know?


  1. I know lots of truths in there!! Some have now left me wondering!! -_-


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