So Many Blessings...
As I get ready to settle in for the night with my blankie, Marcus Aurelius and a chick flick that will probably make me feel sorry for myself and wonder why crap like that doesn't happen in real life, I thought, "Why not blog about the blessings that have been bestowed upon me?" So should I number them? No, that would make me have to come up with a number like all the days that led to Thanksgiving or one for every year of my life and damn that's 40! Maybe the ounces of wine I consumed today or the nickels I won playing a game I had never played before...which by the way I cashed in on...must have been beginners luck or maybe my luck is changing...OK so back to what I'm thankful for...someone recently pointed out that I jump from one thought to another. It's been pointed out to me before and my response has always been, "It's just that you can't keep up." I didn't say that this time. It really took me by surprise. I have to admit,...