Paths to Recovery-Step Three

So I was once asked why I expected a different outcome if I continued to do what I had always done.  Wow, that was an eye opener.  Why did I do that? 

I decided I would make an effort to do things differently but what would happen if the outcome wasn't what I wanted or liked.  Was I willing to live with doubt and regret?

Step 3-Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him.
Sounds a little familiar doesn't it?  Well step 3 is the last of the steps that prepare one to work the other 9 steps, basically a foundation, a solid point on which the hard work that follows will begin to take shape.  In a nutshell, Steps 1-3 are as simple as, "I can't.  He can.  I'll let Him."
In my readings someone shared how the first three steps of recovery gave her honesty, hope and faith.  In step one we must honestly admit that our lives are pretty jacked-up, in step two we hope that life will get better and in step three we rely on faith to make it all happen.

This is a two part step for many...the first is to decide to turn our will and lives over to the care of God, the second is as we understood him, meaning God, Higher Power, Celestial's a choice, you decide what that's going to look like for you, what works.  I read the following and it made so much sense as silly as it may seem:
"Three frogs sat on a lily pad.  One made a decision to jump off.  How many frogs are left?"
The answer is three.  The frog simply made the decision to jump.  He hasn't jumped yet.

Two years ago I was that frog.  I had made the decision to jump but jumping was so much harder to do.  I secretly wanted to take that leap with a partner, someone who would hold my hand, stand by my side, or have something bump me off, better yet, be pushed off.  I waited...and when I turned my will and my life over to the care of God, I jumped.  He would be my partner, the one constant in my life.  I didn't need someone to physically hold my hand or stand by my side.  I needed faith.

Now I'm swimming and I hear the familiar voice of Dory, the blue tang fish, from Finding Nemo  Luckily, frogs are amphibians and that means I can stop swimming if I have to.  I can take a breath, stop and bask in the sun on a bed of rocks or a tree branch.  I know I can't.  I know He can.  I will let Him. 

As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness. (Thank you CD for this proverb!)



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