Paths to Recovery-Step Two

Having been born and raised in a Roman Catholic family, the fact that God existed was never something I questioned.  I believed in the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary, Jesus and all the angels and saints...

Over the years many situations have caused me to question why "God does this" or why "God allows that" and yet I know beyond a doubt that something greater than me has had a hand in my blessed life.

Step two-Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
This step has come fairly easy to me.  I have always believed in a Higher Power.  Now at times that Higher Power has been God or Jesus, male or female, all knowing, an aura, light, unstoppable force.
On my road to recovery I've discovered that my Higher Power is so much more and without it, peace and tranquility will not exist in my life.  In every Al-Anon meeting I've attended, the group recites the Serenity Prayer.  God grand me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.  Each time I recite that prayer or read it, I'm left in awe of it's power.  I want to have Serenity, Courage and Wisdom.

So I do believe that a Power greater than me will restore me to sanity because I don't think I'm insane.  I do, however, believe that without prayer and the power of it, my life would be insane. 

This Higher Power has come in many forms throughout my life.  As a child, it was my mom who stayed at home, my father who provided for us and my two sisters who took care of me and helped me learn to read.  Later it was the amazing teachers I had in school and the encouragement they gave me.  In middle school it was a great group of friends, who I'm still in contact with today, and a band director who understood why I was so misunderstood.  God showed his love for me in high school by placing me in the loving home of my aunt and uncle and the amazing friends that watched over me, made me laugh, and respected my big-city, smart ass ways and my innocence.

At UIW, God was once again present as I made the decision to switch majors from nursing to teaching and along came more friendships that still exist today.  My first job in college and the first school I ever taught in brought more people into my life.  As I look back, it was all part of His plan.  The late afternoon chat with the neighboring teacher that turned into the best friendship a girl could ask for, my bestie, the ying to my yang, the beans to my rice, the salt to my top-shelf margarita.  She has walked by my side through some of the saddest moments in my life.  She has sat and listened, let me cry, taken me out, and even made a prop that she kept in her purse so instead of feeling the pain of a broken heart, I felt the joy of laughter.

Recently, I have come to know my Higher Power is so much more than prayer and faith.  It's the love God has brought to my life in the form of heaven on earth, people, the people He has placed in my life have been the reason I believe in a Higher Power that will restore me.  The lives that have crossed paths with mine.  The fabulous team I work with, the conversations that have taken place with the unlikeliest of people.  The bonds that have formed that I never would have expected.  Having felt the loss of someone very close and suddenly appreciating the gain of someone new.  The changes He has made happen, the doors He has closed and the doors He has opened are all part of this wonderful plan. 

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


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