Paths to Recovery-Step Four

This is my second round of working Step Four.  The first attempt was almost two years ago and it was written in a gratitude journal given to me by the one person who knows so much of what my life has been like living with an active alcoholic.  Thank you bestie, I love you!

The great thing about this step is that it can be worked many times over.  It's like peeling back the layers of an onion to reach the very center.  Each time a layer is removed, there is a self discovery that takes place. 

The first time, I was asked by my sponsor to list all the things I was incapable of doing.  I thought that was absurd!  I wasn't incapable of doing anything.  I had always been capable of accomplishing exactly what I set my mind to accomplish.  However, that's not what he meant.  What he wanted me to do was write down all the things I had a problem doing.  And that was a completely different type of request.

So this step is sort of like an act of self-love.  It helps people like me, move the focus from the alcoholic(s) in our lives, to ourselves, the only person we can really help.  After all, I didn't cause it, I can't control it and I can't cure it.  I do know that I did contribute to the dysfunction though and that is why I must work on this step with the strength and guidance of my Higher Power.  

Step Four - Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
So it seems like the easiest way to complete my inventory is to list some of the good qualities I possess and counter them with some of the qualities I need to work through.  It will then be my job to make one list longer than the other.  Wish me luck!
  • compassionate
  • empathetic
  • tolerant
  • kind
  • trustworthy
  • respectful
  • charitable
  • believe in others
  • hopeful
  • affectionate
  • grateful
  • listener
  • spiteful
  • resentment
  • anger
  • fixer
  • control freak
  • holder of secrets
  • fearful
  • random
  • stubborn
  • hardened
  • numb
  • hurt


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