I'm ThAt Mom...

Someone once said, "Oh, you're THAT mom..."  I claimed it.  "Yes, I'm that mom."  And although I don't feel the need to explain my parenting style to anyone, the comment did make me do some self reflecting (which is a helpful life tool, some people really need to learn to do this).  

So to the person who made that comment, thank you, and in case you're curious about what makes me ThAt mom, here goes:  

  • I am the mom that didn't want children because I was so career driven and wanted to be debt-free, buy a house and travel.
  • The same mom that once I found out I was pregnant with #1, went into overdrive to learn all things mom related.
  • The mom that knew #1 really needed #2 since I would be taking a break from my career to be a stay at home mom, after someone I love and admire said, "Why do people have kids, if they aren't going to be the ones raising them."  Having them both at home for those few short years are some of my favorite memories of all time.
  • The mean mom that didn't let her kids eat junk when they were little and now they're healthy preteens not pre-diabetic, overweight couch potatoes who still don't eat junk.
  • Yes, I'm the mom that used correct anatomical names for their "privates" even if that meant they might embarrass the hell out of her at the zoo when they say, "I can't see the elephant's penis or vagina...Is it a boy or a girl mama?" 
  • I'm the mom that met resistance about putting the kids into the dual language program but 'mama knows best' and now everyone feels they have the right to brag about how "they speak fluent Spanish!"  
  • Yup, I'm the mom that makes her kids do stuff for themselves, who tells them 'no' and who gets told, 'it's all your fault,' 'I hate you.'  I know it is, I know you do...get over it. I'm still your mom and there is nothing you can do about that...(insert evil laugh).
  • I'm the one who taught them their first curse word because the "damn deer" kept eating my plants.  "I wanna see the damn deer!"
  • I'm the mother that takes vacations alone.  After all, I'm a mother not a martyr so don't be so shocked when you ask, "Did the kids go?  Are the kids going with you?" that I look at you in disgust and say, "No."  
  • I'm the mom that tells her kids to pack their bags and be ready to leave by 7 because we are going to see 4th of July fireworks in San Diego, not Chicago and then comes out of her room from a power nap and shouts, "Let's do this bitches!"
  • That mom that drives straight through because "we want to be there already."
  • The one who freaks out if you put your dirty feet on my bed 
  • I'm the mom that will bust a move in the kitchen, or the car or even your bedroom if one of her "jams" comes on and laugh hysterically at your reaction.
There are so many other things that make me ThAt mom and guess what?  My kids are ok with it.  And that's all that matters...

for JJB


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