Nah dude...I'm good

Yeah I'm glad you have your life "together" and you're doing "better" and are making some "changes" that you wish I could see.  I'm happy for you...

There are "some habits" I need to be broken of...hmmm?  Yeah, that's my cue to say, "See ya."

And you can "take care" of me and my biologicals and treat me like I'm supposed to be treated...I'll pass.  Thanks.  I can take care of myself and my biologicals.    

You're "gonna miss" me while you're taking care of your family obligations...Ok.

No need to hang out in the bathroom to continue our private conversation...I was fine not having a conversation to begin with...

You want to "meet for drinks" sometime...will your wife be joining us too?

So nah dude, I'm good with where I'm at.  I don't need to be rescued.  I got this.  I don't want to hook up or hang out.  

I'm F-I-N-E, fine. 

for all the pamfs


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