Travel Tips

I have often dreamed of having a job that allowed me to travel but I was lead down a different path. My career has been both fulfilling and rewarding but my longing to travel has never gone away.  So I made a promise to myself to get out and see the sights.  Over the years I've been here and there and in between and I've learned a few things.  So here are some travel tips that may or may not serve you any purpose.  

  • when on a long road trip, wear comfy clothes and don't forget your music because you'll be forced to listen to old country music that you might know the words to and you may want to sing along and your kids may not like it
  • make sure to pack a change of clothes in your carry on because your luggage may stay in Phoenix where you have a four hour layover and although you might enjoy a good Italian meal near the university, it will suck not to have all your clothes in Alaska
  • if traveling to Mexico don't give all your change to the little old man playing the saxophone because you might not have enough money to cross back into the United States
  • while in Mexico, don't ask the carriage driver where you can find Tacos de Chihuahua, he won't find it as funny as you and your friends
  • be sure to secure your earrings if traveling by plane because one may fall off and while you are trying to find it, the other may fall into your blouse and you will have to awkwardly pull it out and the man sitting next to you might find it strange
  • when putting your carry on underneath your seat, refrain from kneeling on the seat and asking the passenger behind you for help because he will oblige and then you may accidentally bump heads with him and that might give you the giggles, the uncontrollable, I can't breathe giggles
  • before a long trip, be sure the windshield wipers are securely in place so that when it starts to rain at 3 in the morning outside of El Paso, the wiper blade won't fly off and you won't have to drive to Las Cruces, New Mexico without one and wait for O'Reilly's to open at 7:30 and you won't have to stand outside of the door looking at the man inside wondering why he hasn't opened the store when it's clearly 7:45 already because you are on Texas time and it's actually 6:45.
  • be sure to have a drink at the Starbucks in the Space Needle, preferably with someone who isn't afraid of heights
  • if you will be traveling with two preteens, subscribe to Netlix, bring plenty of snacks and have them heavily sedated or your party of three may end up a party of one
  • don't forget your headphones in the event that you get a row to yourself and think it's nighty night time for you but the people in the row next to you strike up a conversation and never shut the hell up
  • do avoid eye contact when you have a free middle seat as to keep the man that bought a table from you at a yard sale four months ago from asking if the seat is available (if you have your headphones you can avoid unwanted small talk) 
There are so many more tips to share...stay tuned for Travel Tips Part 2...

for me


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