Tranny Dancing

So I got the "Guys are asking for you again" text from my sis.  And by "guys" she means the ridiculously funny, completely random group of friends she hangs out with at a place that will remain anonymous.  I've shown up there twice in the last year.  It's a hole in the wall on the wrong side of town but I am guaranteed a fun time.  If I lived a little closer I might be a regular.  I like to joke that I'm slummin' in but in reality the clientele are hard working,, fun loving people that I am honored to know and privileged to hang out with; the kind of people that will give you the shirt off their back, their last dollar or the food on their plate...hell they even make sure your beer never runs out and you get to hear your favorite tunes.  

At my last visit, I had the pleasure of meeting a regular we will call Sheila.  Sheila, by all definitions, is a tranny.  She was singing her lungs out when I arrived and we made eye contact (note to self:  stop making eye contact with people) and when she went to cool down at the bar, I made the mistake of planting myself right where she was sitting, to order my beverage of choice (which they didn't have) and I smiled....why?  Why do I always smile?!  It must be a nervous habit. And it almost always gets me in trouble.  

We struck up a conversation, of course!  She asked how I liked her singing and I said, "You did sounded like...a lady."  "Ay, because I am a lady!" she replied. Yeah, if you're a lady, I'm the queen of England.  

Fast forward to getting lots of unsolicited attention (because I clean up nicely and was filled with ulterior motives for later that night, which led to no where but that's another blog), being called out with the DJ microphone, for a being a teacher and several drinks later...Mr. DJ was on fire with the old school Tejano (pronounced Tay-ja-no for the purpose of this blog).  And well, we all know I love to shake my tail feathers every now and then.  

I'm sitting there enjoying the tunes, laughing with my sis and her crew when Sheila makes her way to the dance floor.  Damn she had a grand entrance.  I'll admit, I was a little jealous.  Having spent many of my married years on the dancing sidelines, I missed my dancing queen days.  Well not to worry, like my Uncle Richard says.  Sheila extended her hand out to me and guess what?  I took her up on her offer.  After all, she was a girl, or man.  Either way, I was going to dance.  The girl, or dude, not sure really, could lead...she even cued the spins! I couldn't help but think, "And that my friends, is how you dance with a complete stranger!"  

I had a great night...good company, cold beer and a little tranny dancing.  


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